This European survey examines: Putting America First in International Environmental Agreements:
'In recent years, the United States has purported to join international agreements and initiatives that do not reflect our country's values or our contributions to the pursuit of economic and environmental objectives... The United States Ambassador to the United Nations shall immediately submit formal written notification of the United States' withdrawal from the Paris Agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.'
(a) US withdrawal from the Paris climate agreement will deliver a measurable boost to the country's economic growth over the next four years; (b) US withdrawal from the Paris climate agreement will have a measurably negative impact on international progress on mitigation of global warming
Keyword: environment
This US survey examines: The new administration has issued three executive orders related to energy and climate:
Declaring a National Energy Emergency:
'The United States’ insufficient energy production, transportation, refining, and generation constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to our Nation’s economy, national security, and foreign policy. In light of these findings, I hereby declare a national emergency.'
Insufficient energy production, transportation, refining, and generation constitute a substantial threat to the US economy.
(b)Unleashing American Energy:
'The calculation of the “social cost of carbon” is marked by logical deficiencies, a poor basis in empirical science, politicization, and the absence of a foundation in legislation… rendering the United States economy internationally uncompetitive… the Administrator of the EPA shall issue guidance to address these harmful and detrimental inadequacies, including consideration of eliminating the “social cost of carbon” calculation from any Federal permitting or regulatory decision.'
Eliminating the ‘social cost of carbon’ calculation from any Federal permitting or regulatory decision would substantially improve the international competitiveness of the US economy.
(c) Putting America First in International Environmental Agreements:
'In recent years, the United States has purported to join international agreements and initiatives that do not reflect our country’s values or our contributions to the pursuit of economic and environmental objectives… The United States Ambassador to the United Nations shall immediately submit formal written notification of the United States’ withdrawal from the Paris Agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.'
Withdrawal from the Paris climate agreement will deliver a measurable boost to US economic growth over the next four years.