Keyword: carbon emissions

cable and satellite TV California Canada cannabis cap-and-trade capital capital allocation capital asset pricing model capital budgeting capital flows capital formation capital income capital markets capital outflows capital regulation capital requirements capital stock capitalism CAPM carbon emissions carbon leakage carbon prices carbon tax carbon taxes careers CARES Act cars cash catastrophic risk central bank independence central banks charitable deductions charity charter schools chief executives childrearing children China Christmas cleantech climate change climate policies climate policy climate targets closing auction clusters college admissions college athletes college tuition colonialism commercial banks commercial property commitments commodity markets communism competition competition policy competitiveness concentration congestion congestion charges congestion pricing Congress Congressional Budget Office Connecticut consolidation constitutional amendment constitutions consumer price index consumer prices consumer protection consumer welfare consumption consumption insurance contraception conventions coronabonds Coronavirus corporate boards corporate executives corporate investment corporate performance corporate reporting corporate reproting corporate social responsibility corporate tax corporate taxes cost disease cost of capital cost of living cost-benefit analysis costs of living Council of Economic Advisors COVID-19 credibility revolution credit credit cards credit risk creditors crime crypto assets cryptocurrencies cryptocurrency Cuba culture currencies currency currency manipulation currency reserves customers

Subsidizing Green Technology

This European survey examines (a) Government subsidies for investment in green technologies are justified by substantial benefits coming from reducing unpriced carbon emissions and generating positive R&D spillovers; (b) Using subsidies for green technologies instead of full carbon prices will lead to substantially more rent-seeking and hence substantially higher costs to achieve a given reduction in emissions

Subsidizing Green Technology

This US survey examines (a) Government subsidies for investment in green technologies are justified by substantial benefits coming from reducing unpriced carbon emissions and generating positive R&D spillovers; (b) Using subsidies for green technologies instead of full carbon prices will lead to substantially more rent-seeking and hence substantially higher costs to achieve a given reduction in emissions

Europe’s Environmental Taxonomy

This European survey examines (a) The EU's taxonomy for sustainable activities - a classification system that defines criteria for economic activities that are aligned with a net zero trajectory by 2050 and the broader environmental goals other than climate - is an effective way to steer greener investment and the energy transition by firms and financial institutions. Details on the taxonomy are here:; (b) Use of the EU taxonomy for sustainable activities is likely to stifle important innovations, including in green technology; (c) On balance, use of the taxonomy in EU directives and regulation is likely to be net beneficial to European citizens.

Electric Vehicles

This European survey examines (a) Without government intervention, take-up of electric vehicles will be substantially less than is desirable to reduce carbon emissions; (b) To encourage greater take-up of electric vehicles, public expenditure on infrastructure to support them (such as charging stations) is likely to be more cost-effective than providing equivalent amounts as tax credits/purchase rebates for buyers

Responding to Carbon Leakage

This European survey examines (a) The carbon border adjustment mechanism will ensure that the European Union’s green objectives are not undermined by the relocation of EU production in the sectors under the mechanism to non-EU countries with less ambitious climate policies (‘carbon leakage'); (b) To the extent that the carbon border adjustment mechanism is effective in reducing emissions and carbon leakage, it will impose substantial costs on the economies of poorer countries

Climate Reporting Mandate

This Finance survey examines (a) A mandate for public companies to provide climate-related disclosures (such as their greenhouse gas emissions and carbon footprint) would provide financially material information that enables investors to make better decisions; (b) A mandate for public companies to provide climate-related disclosures would provide material information that enables investors to make better decisions with regards to non-financial objectives (such as aiding portfolio choice based on ESG principles); (c) A mandate for public companies to provide climate-related disclosures would induce them to reduce their climate impact substantially.