Clark Center Forum

About the Clark Center Forum

The Forum for the Kent A. Clark Center for Global Markets is home to the European, Finance, and US Economic Experts Panels as well as a repository of thoughtful, current, and reliable information regarding topics of the day.
Credit Crisis

Paulson’s Gift

Pietro Veronesi and Luigi Zingales November 3, 2008 We calculate the efficiency and distributional effects of the largest ever U.S. Government intervention in the financial system. Possible systemic effects aside, we estimate that the revised Paulson plan increased the value of banks’ financial claims by $133 billion at a taxpayers’ cost of $112 -135 billions, […] 
Credit Crisis

Plan B

Economist’s Voice – October 2008 Luigi Zingales offers an alternative to Paulson’s bailout plan. He seeks to combat the credit crisis on two fronts: the real estate market and Wall Street. Read more> 
Credit Crisis

Don’t Blame the Messenger…or Ignore the Message

The message? Highly leveraged institutions gambling heavily on risky, low-transparency securities are simply asking for trouble. To avoid future financial crises, subprime mortgages need to move to moderately leveraged institutions – pension plans, 401(k) plans, mutual funds, sovereign funds, endowments, insurance companies and investment vehicles with conservative balance sheets like Berkshire Hathaway. Investment banks, and […] 
Credit Crisis

Commentary – The Bailout: A Primer

Forbes – October 17, 2008 In the latest chapter of the credit crisis, the U.S. Government announced this week that it would take equity stakes in the country’s top financial institutions. As has been the case been throughout the crisis, there has been a huge amount written about whether the Treasury’s actions will be effective. […] 
Credit Crisis

Everything You Need to Know About the Financial Crisis

Freakonomics blog – October 15, 2008 When the financial crisis was just beginning to appear, I did one of the smartest things I’ve ever done: I asked my colleagues Doug Diamond and Anil Kashyap to explain to me what was happening. What they said was so enlightening that I begged them to write it up […] 
Credit Crisis

Can U.S. Still Claim It’s a ‘Free Market’? Anil Kashyap on NPR

The idea that the government would move in to take over some banks in the U.S. goes against the principles of many free market economists. Hollywood producer Samuel Goldwyn once said, “Nobody knows anything.” So now who knows anything in the world of economics and what are the truths? Listen now > 


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