Clark Center Forum

About the Clark Center Forum

The Forum for the Kent A. Clark Center for Global Markets is home to the European, Finance, and US Economic Experts Panels as well as a repository of thoughtful, current, and reliable information regarding topics of the day.
Credit Crisis

Resolving Systemically Important, International Financial Institutions

Christian Leuz and other members of the Shadow Financial Regulatory Committee The recent G20 meetings demonstrated the substantial divide between policymakers over the right approach toward the “too-big-to-fail” problem for large, global financial institutions. Some policymakers accept that some financial firms will inevitably be too-big-to-fail and wish to focus policy efforts on facilitating orderly bailouts […] 
Credit Crisis

Household Debt and Macroeconomic Fluctuations

VoxEU US Congressional committees are now grilling bankers on the complex instruments that provided subprime mortgages with a veil of security. This column presents new evidence that subprime mortgages had more serious consequences – they were a key factor in the US housing-price boom. When house prices faltered, subprime mortgage holders defaulted en masse, eventually […] 
Credit Crisis

A New Approach to Global Reporting Convergence

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are set to become the global accounting language. Empirical evidence suggests, however, that IFRS adoption alone will not lead to global convergence of reporting practices, and will not make comparing companies’ financial statements as easy as many have hoped. True convergence in reporting practices would require a much broader convergence […] 
Credit Crisis

Curbing Risk on Wall Street

Oliver Hart and Luigi Zingales National Affairs, Spring 2010 The financial crisis of 2008 had many causes. They ranged from a housing bubble to excessive speculation, and from inadequate accounting rules to reckless corporate governance. But at the heart of the meltdown were the financial industry’s distorted incentives — created in large part by decades […] 
Credit Crisis

Let’s Not Pursue the Volcker Rule

U.S. Monetary Policy Forum; New York, New York February 26, 2010 On Friday February 26, the IGM hosted its annual “U.S. Monetary Policy Forum” conference that featured a report on Financial Conditions Indices and a panel discussion on Financial Regulatory Reform.  The Panel was moderated by David Wessel of the Wall Street Journal and featured […] 

Gene Fama’s Career in Finance

This post makes available an autobiographical note by Gene Fama that was commissioned by the Annual Review of Financial Economics. Gene’s remarkable career and vision, to say nothing of his engaging writing style, make this short piece a must read for anyone interested in finance. However, as his colleagues, we believe his modesty led him […] 


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