Clark Center Forum

About the Clark Center Forum

The Forum for the Kent A. Clark Center for Global Markets is home to the European, Finance, and US Economic Experts Panels as well as a repository of thoughtful, current, and reliable information regarding topics of the day.

China-US Trade

Question A:

Trade with China makes most Americans better off because, among other advantages, they can buy goods that are made or assembled more cheaply in China.

Question B:

Some Americans who work in the production of competing goods, such as clothing and furniture, are made worse off by trade with China.


Fiscal Cliff

This week’s IGM Economic Experts Panel statement:

If the fiscal changes that are planned under current US law take place next year — including Bush era tax cuts expiring, Medicare payment rates to doctors being cut, the AMT applying to many more taxpayers, and automatic cuts in defense and non-defense discretionary spending kicking in — then US real GDP growth in 2013 will be lower than it would be under the CBO's alternative fiscal scenario, in which the above changes do not occur. 

Stress Tests Don’t Have to Cause a Run on Banks

By Haresh Sapra U.S. and European banking regulators are conducting stress tests to determine whether financial institutions have enough capital to sustain losses as a result of adverse economic conditions. A critical question is whether these results should be made public, and if so, at what level of detail. Read article> 

Let Data, Not Politics, Guide Regulation

by Tobias J. Moskowitz Several years after the global financial crisis, the fierce debate over regulation continues to be driven by strong beliefs — largely uninformed ones — rather than hard facts. Some believe more regulation is necessary, others that it would cause the downfall of our markets. No one, however, seems to be talking […] 

Successful Leaders Must Learn to Act Many Parts

by Harry L. Davis Much has been written about the qualities of successful leaders. These attributes often seem to float above any specific context, in the same way that a consumer’s preference expressed in a focus group is assumed to be equally present when that person is shopping in a grocery store or preparing a […] 


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