Clark Center Forum

About the Clark Center Forum

The Forum for the Kent A. Clark Center for Global Markets is home to the European, Finance, and US Economic Experts Panels as well as a repository of thoughtful, current, and reliable information regarding topics of the day.
On Global Markets

How Far? How Fast?

Federal Reserve meetings are rarely, outside of an immediate crisis, especially tense for market participants. Whilst On Global Markets has noted – more than once – that the market implied path of policy rates is rarely a useful guide to actual police outcomes over the medium to longer term, investors usually have a good handle […] 

Trends in Banking

Question A:

The trend of consolidation in the US banking sector will lead to fewer, but more profitable, mega-banks with over $250 billion in assets dominating the market.

Question B:

The current liquidity and capital regulations are inadequate to address run risks of banks in a digital era.

FT-Booth US Macroeconomists Survey

FTxBooth: US headed for soft landing?

This installment of the FTxBooth US Macroeconomists Survey examines a likely soft landing for the US economy. The summary results are below and you can read the Financial Times article here, subscription required. View the results of this survey >> For social media: Please use the hashtag #FTxBooth when referring to the FT-Booth US Macroeconomists […] 

ESG, Shareholders, and Regulation

This Finance survey examines (a) Concerns about the environmental impact of companies are substantially better resolved by shareholder activism towards management than by regulations or government intervention; (b) Concerns about diversity, equality and inclusion within companies are substantially better resolved by shareholder activism towards management than by regulations or government intervention 

Private Credit

This Finance survey examines (a) The large increase in the market for private credit as a substitute for bank finance substantially reduces systemic risk; (b) The growth in private credit is substantially higher because of regulations that disincentivize banks from lending to below investment grade private businesses


Corporate Social Responsibility

This European survey examines (a)  In pursuing social and environmental initiatives, the average public company generates more benefits than costs in terms of profits, (b) In pursuing social and environmental initiatives, public companies would benefit from a measurably lower cost of capital, (c) There are substantial social benefits when managers of public companies make choices that account for the impact of their decisions on customers, employees, and community members beyond the effects on shareholders 

Election Economic Policy Ideas

This US survey examines: (a) Giving the President more direct influence over monetary policy would lead to substantially worse monetary policy decisions; (b) Imposing tariffs results in a substantial portion of the tariffs being borne by consumers of the country that enacts the tariffs, through price increases; (c) There is little empirical evidence that price gouging is causing high grocery prices; (d) Widespread use of price controls creates substantial economic distortions


Abnormal Returns and Active Portfolio Management

This Finance survey examines: It is appropriate advice for retail investors to tilt their portfolio away from the market portfolio towards factors that have been identified in the academic literature to earn positive abnormal returns relative to the Capital Asset Pricing Model 


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