Clark Center Forum

About the Clark Center Forum

The Forum for the Kent A. Clark Center for Global Markets is home to the European, Finance, and US Economic Experts Panels as well as a repository of thoughtful, current, and reliable information regarding topics of the day.

Sovereign Wealth Funds

Question A:

Establishing a sovereign wealth fund to invest in domestic infrastructure, emerging technologies, and/or strategic sectors would bring substantial benefits to the US economy over a ten-year horizon.

Question B:

For the US, establishing a sovereign wealth fund would be substantially better for citizens relative to reducing public debt burdens.


Institutions and Prosperity

Question A:

The institutions of society - such as constitutions, laws, judiciaries, and property rights - substantially shape economic decisions, policies, and outcomes.

Question B:

On average and over the long term, democracies deliver substantially better economic growth than other forms of government.

Question C:

Countries where democracy and the rule of law are weakened are likely to experience measurable damage to their economic performance.


Institutions and Prosperity

This US survey examines (a) The institutions of society - such as constitutions, laws, judiciaries, and property rights - substantially shape economic decisions, policies, and outcomes; (b) On average and over the long term, democracies deliver substantially better economic growth than other forms of government; (c) Countries where democracy and the rule of law are weakened are likely to experience measurable damage to their economic performance 
On Global Markets

Hurricane Economics

Florida has had the misfortune to be hit by two hurricanes just weeks apart. Alongside the tragic death toll, comes billions of dollars’ worth of economic damage. Hurricanes, and other extreme weather events, are increasingly economic events too. According to insurance modelers, Hurricane Milton is likely to result in claims worth around $36B whilst the […] 

Sovereign Wealth Funds

This US survey examines (a) Establishing a domestic sovereign wealth fund to invest in infrastructure, emerging technologies, and/or strategic sectors would bring substantial benefits to the US economy over a ten-year horizon; (b) The typical advanced economy could substantially boost growth by establishing a sovereign wealth fund to invest in infrastructure, emerging technologies, and/or strategic sectors; (c) For a typical advanced economy, establishing a sovereign wealth fund would be substantially better for citizens relative to paying down the debt as a use for excess revenue 
On Global Markets

Europe’s Lagging Tech Sector

The last month has seen much in the way of, often justified, gloomy introspection from European policymakers. Isabel Schnabel, a member of the European Central Bank’s policy-setting executive board made a useful speech on the 2nd of October rather tellingly entitled “Escaping Stagnation”. The raw facts speak for themselves, since the pandemic, the European economy […] 

Constraints on Innovation in Europe

This European survey examines (a) Current enforcement of competition policy in Europe is not working to promote innovation and growth; b) European Union bureaucracy and regulations are a substantial constraint on innovation in Europe; c) The conduct of the dominant US tech companies in European markets (including lobbying and acquisition of start-ups and competitors) is a substantial constraint on innovation in Europe 


This Finance survey examines (a) A bitcoin's value derives from the belief that others will want to use it, which implies that its purchasing power is likely to fluctuate over time to a degree that will limit its usefulness; b) A substantial source of the value of unbacked decentralized private cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, arises from their convenience for use in illegal activities; c) A properly diversified portfolio should include crypto assets 

WSJ: Voters Love the Policies that Economists Love to Hate

The Wall Street Journal polled voters’ attitudes on the presidential candidates’ economic policies . They then, in collaboration with the Clark Center, surveyed the Clark Center’s US Experts Panel.  The article is available here (subscription required).  The summary results of the US Experts Panels survey is below. View US Panel results of the survey >> 


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