Clark Center Forum

About the Clark Center Forum

The Forum for the Kent A. Clark Center for Global Markets is home to the European, Finance, and US Economic Experts Panels as well as a repository of thoughtful, current, and reliable information regarding topics of the day.
FT-Booth US Macroeconomists Survey

FTxIGM: Sustained increased interest rates?

This installment of the FTxIGM US Macroeconomists Survey discusses the likelihood of the Fed raising and sustaining a higher interest rate.  It also examines the possibility of a recession to occur earlier than expected. The summary results are below and you can read the Financial Times article here, subscription required. View the results of this […] 

Oil Price Cap

Question A:

A price cap imposed by the G7/EU countries on purchases of Russian oil and oil-related products (and which applies to all importers of Russian oil using Western trade infrastructure, shipping, and insurance) would be an effective measure to reduce the flow of revenues to Russia.

Question B:

The oil price cap imposed by the G7/EU countries will not have a substantial effect on the world oil price (such as the Brent crude benchmark).


Oil Price Cap

In early September 2022, the finance ministers of the G7 countries confirmed their intention to implement a price cap on purchases of Russian oil and related products. Their objective is to reduce Russia’s ability to fund its invasion of Ukraine while limiting the war’s impact on global energy prices. We invited our European and US experts to express their views on this proposal, asking both panels whether they agree or disagree with the following statements, and, if so, how strongly and with what degree of confidence:

FT-Booth US Macroeconomists Survey

FTxIGM Survey: Recession in 2023?

This installment of the FTxIGM US Macroeconomists Survey examines the the possibility of a recession in 2023 and potential Fed actions between now and then. The summary results are below and you can read the Financial Times article here, subscription required. View the results of this survey >> For social media: Please use the hashtag […] 


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