This US survey examines (a) Use of artificial intelligence is likely to lead to a substantial increase in problems associated with market power in digital markets; (b) Artificial intelligence offers substantial opportunities for new entrants into digital markets that have previously been concentrated; (c) Artificial intelligence is likely to be a highly concentrated industry, dominated by a handful of players
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This European survey examines (a) Use of artificial intelligence is likely to lead to a substantial increase in problems associated with market power in digital markets; (b) Artificial intelligence offers substantial opportunities for new entrants into digital markets that have previously been concentrated; (c) Artificial intelligence is likely to be a highly concentrated industry, dominated by a handful of players
This week’s IGM Economic Experts Panel statements:
A: Amazon has monopsony power in the market for books that is significantly reducing the supply of books.
B: Amazon has sufficient monopsony power that regulatory intervention is likely to make consumers of books better off, taking into account implementation costs and the effect of intervention on incentives.
This week's US Economic Experts Panel statement:
Requiring Facebook to divest WhatsApp and Instagram is likely to make society better off.
This week's European Economic Experts Panel statement:
Requiring Facebook to divest WhatsApp and Instagram is likely to make society better off.
This week's IGM European Economic Experts Panel Statement:
The European Union often uses its antitrust powers to protect EU-based firms from international competition, rather than to promote greater competition in European markets.
This week's IGM Economic Experts Panel statement:
The European Union often uses its antitrust powers to protect EU-based firms from international competition, rather than to promote greater competition in European markets.
This week's European Economic Experts Panel statement:
A) Google's dominance of the market for internet search arose mainly from a combination of economies of scale and a quality algorithm.
B) In light of Google’s dominance, its current operating practices could have a substantial negative effect on social welfare in the long run.
C) The nature of the market dominance of technology giants in the digital economy warrants either the imposition of some kind of regulation or a fundamental change in antitrust policy.